
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the incredible Kelpies, there will be a spectacular one-off event taking place at the Kelpies in Helix Park, Falkirk. The daytime event will run between 10.30am-3pm and will feature lots of exciting activities such as a fun-filled family ceilidh and a live pipe band display. There will also be storytellers, street theatre, and artists to dazzle all visitors. Guests are welcome to come along free of charge, but people wanting to attend the separate evening concert will require tickets. Kelpies 10 is brought to you in partnership with Scottish Canals, The Helix and Falkirk Council.


Helix Park, Falkirk

Further information

Date and time

Start Date
27 Apr 2024


This event is free to join.

Who is it for

Fun for all
This is a dog friendly event.

Organisers details

More information from The Helix:

