Our projects
As well as the management and development of five Scottish canals, we care for bridges, buildings, locks, The Falkirk Wheel, The Kelpies and 19 water supply reservoirs in locations across Scotland.
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Fort Augustus Planned Winter Works 2024/25
We will be carrying out essential work to the Fort Augustus lock flight this winter, with a £1.65m capital investment as part of Scottish Canals’ Asset Management Strategy.
Falkirk Five Trail
Thanks to funding from Falkirk Council, made available through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, we have created a new 5km active travel route around The Falkirk Wheel with community designed art benches and bike racks installed at regular intervals around the trail.
Crinan Canal Planned Winter Works 2023/24
This third year of works continues our lock gate replacement programme, with the installation of new gates at lock 15, the Crinan sea lock. We will also be upgrading the existing life-expired operating equipment for new electrical gate actuators.