
Shore power is available at several locations. When your vessel is first connected to the shore power, please ensure that you make a note of the date and meter reading. Likewise, when you leave the canal, you will need to take a final reading to ensure you are not charged for subsequent usage on that bollard.

Electricity for long term customers is billed quarterly. This is charged at a rate per unit used and a set standing charge per day. Please be advised that even if you use no units of electricity in a quarter you will be charged the standing charge.

Please do not allow others to use your electricity bollard as you will be liable for the units used and the daily standing charge.

Depending on the style of bollard you are allocated, we recommend that you purchase your own padlock so that you can control access to the bollard. boaters. In these circumstances you must leave a spare key with the local Waterway Office so that mandatory safety checks to the bollard mechanisms can be carried out by our qualified electricians. There are products on the market that you can purchase to block off your plug in to avoid misuse by other passing boaters. If you are allocated a bollard with a PIN, please ensure you keep the number secure.

As you are responsible for the electricity drawn at the bollard, please secure your connection when you are away from your home mooring. There are products on the market that you can purchase to block off your plug in to avoid misuse by other passing boaters. 

Please remember to not overload the electricity on board. A 16amp supply will not support the same amount of electricity usage as that in a house. Should the electricity be overloaded the bollard will trip. If the bollard has tripped check that the issue is not on your boat and then contact Scottish Canals who will come and check the bollard for you. 

Please note that should we be called out to rectify a fault which is found to be because of your actions/inaction, Scottish Canals reserve the right to charge for any services provided. An example of this would be an out of hours call out to reset a shore power supply which has tripped due to being overloaded by multiple appliances.

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Where water is provided this will be from the service bollard. This will be from a tap on the side of the bollard. You will need to provide your own hose to top up your freshwater tank on the boat. Water on board the vessel is provided free of charge.

In the winter you will find that the bollards may freeze in low temperatures. It is advisable that in winter you leave the tap turned on slightly to ensure that the water in the pipes is continuously moving to help stop the water from freezing. Please place a short hose facing down into the water so it does not run onto the pontoons and create a slip hazard if it freezes. 



Various sites that can supply diesel are highlighted in the individual skippers guide's on the Canal travel section of the site. Diesel is available at Seaport Marina and Corpach Marina. 

When refuelling you will be required to complete a declaration form to advise on your use of the diesel. This is a stipulation by HMRC that allows us to charge a lower price for diesel that is only used for heating. 


Pump out

There are various pump out facilities throughout the Scottish canal network, again these are detailed in the individual skippers guide's on the Canal travel section of the site.

To arrange a pump out within our operation hours, please liaise with the Operations/Boat Movements team and give a minimum 2 days’ notice. 


Sluice/Elsan disposal

Sluices, where available are only suitable for the disposal of chemical (Elsan) toilet waste. Only blue/green Elsan should be used. After use please wash down all surfaces and ensure the sluice is clean and tidy. Please be advised that waste from composting toilets is not to be put into the sluice. 


Facility blocks

There are various facilities blocks throughout the canal network, which are available to boaters and users of the canal. Some Facilities include showers, toilets and laundry facilities. Please always leave the facilities as clean and tidy as possible and please refrain from leaving any personal items in the facility block

A facility key is supplied once your account has been set up and your boat is in the water. This key will give you access to all boaters facilities across the Scottish Canals network. If you require extra keys these can be purchased separately.


Laundry facilities

Laundry facilities, where supplied, are located either in the Facilities Block or as a separate unit. Payment is made by debit/credit card. Please refrain from leaving personal items in the laundry area. This includes clothes horses and any items found in this vicinity will be removed. 



If you are a residential customer, you will either be allocated a mailbox or your mail will be delivered to the local Scottish Canals office where you can collect. Please ensure that you collect mail regularly. Please also note that Scottish Canals do not take any liability for mail that is delivered to our office.

You will need to make your own arrangements for packets, parcels and large deliveries. 



Not every location offers parking facilities. Where we have parking, this is available on a first come first served basis unless otherwise indicated.



Please dispose of all waste responsibly and ensure you separate your recycling from your general waste. Under no circumstance should waste be left on pontoons, towpaths or any other area around the mooring site. Please also ensure that no waste enters the canal itself. If there is no bin due to location then please take all your refuse home with you.



Please be aware that under no circumstances should you drive on the towpath. This area is reserved for Scottish Canals and emergency vehicles only with priority to cyclists and pedestrians. 


Selling your boat - Terminating the mooring

Moorings are not transferable with the sale of the boat, so the boat cannot be sold with the promise of the mooring. You may terminate your mooring by giving one months’ written notice. A part refund of your Mooring fees as set out in the price list may be applied. Licences are non-refundable.


Smoke free zone

Please be mindful of smoke from stoves, exhaust fumes and noise from engines and generators particularly in built up areas. Most built up areas in Scotland are classified as smoke free zones and as such we ask that all boaters only use authorised fuels as set out by Defra. The link for these authorised fuels can be found here.

You are not permitted to run your engine or generator whilst moored up before 8am or after 8pm.



All pets must be kept under control and not allowed to be a nuisance to other boaters or users of the mooring premises and towpaths. Dogs must always be kept under control and on a lead during exercise, particularly in communal areas. Animal waste must be collected in a plastic bag and disposed of appropriately. 


Visitor and personal safety

The canals can be hazardous places. The safety of our users and people is very important to us and we do our best to make the system as safe as possible. Due to their historic character, it is impossible for us to adapt them to make them completely safe without ruining what we seek to conserve. 

There are inherent risks for those who use the canals and those who work or live on or near them and it is essential that you and your crew and visitors are aware of the possible dangers and act in a way which minimises the risk of harm to people and property. You and your visitors must supervise children at all times and please ensure that your visitors adhere to the site rules.


Television aerials

Please ensure that all television aerials are contained within the boat and not as an external fixture. 


Gas canisters

Any spare gas canisters must be stored on board and not on the pontoon/wharf or in your storage unit, if supplied. The maximum capacity allowed on your vessel will depend on the design capacity of your craft and all spare canisters must be stored safely within the housing of the boat.  


Winterising your boat

The time and effort you spend looking after your vessel will have a definite impact on your boat's performance, or lack of it, and can save you time, effort and money come spring. You should remember that your insurance policy may not cover damage done by lack of maintenance or neglect. 

Your first step in winterising should be to make a checklist of all items that need to be accomplished. Check the owner's manual of both your boat and motor for manufacturer's recommendations on winterisation. If you are a new boat owner, consider employing the assistance of a friend with experience in winterising or hire a professional to do the job. 

With our winters getting harsher here are a few tips that might help you prepare and protect your boat.

  • If you have heating, keep it on low to maintain a constant heat when you are not in the boat.
  • Ensure your engine has had a winter service and the anti-freeze has been checked and either topped up or discarded and replaced if found to be less than 50%.
  • Spray the engine and electric components and wiring with WD40. This will keep the damp away.
  • Please ensure that all the plumbing is suitably insulated to avoid any pipes freezing and subsequently bursting during the thaw.
  • Battery electrolyte levels should be checked and topped up if required and the terminals checked for corrosion.


Working on your boat

No major works, such as welding, cutting, angle grinding, flooring, lining, ballast removal etc., shall be done to a vessel or vehicle whilst at the mooring. In some locations dry dock facilities are available for rent from third parties. 

Minor works may be permitted but it is the responsibility of the boater to ensure their works do not cause undue noise, disturbance, disruption or pollution to the mooring, premises or other users. You may only carry out minor maintenance between the hours of 8am and 8pm. 

When carrying out works, all our facilities, bollards, footpaths, service points etc must be suitably protected, kept clean and tidy at all times and appropriate Health & Safety adhered to. We reserve the right to charge you for the full cost of any remedial works required because of your work. 

Terms and conditions

Please refer to the Boating on Scotland's Canals Licences and Moorings Booklet for full Terms and Conditions.

Reporting a fault

To report a fault with shoreside power, electricity or other customer facilities. 

Faults discovered during working hours (Mon-Fri 0830-1700) and non-urgent faults out with working hours should be reported to the relevant customer service email address / local office: 

When reporting any faults or issues, please ensure you include the exact location (What3Words), type of mooring, name of boat (if appropriate), and if the fault relates to electricity, water, customer facility, washing machine, shower etc. 


Where faults occur out with business hours, and may pose a risk of harm to property the environment or a person, customers should contact our out of hours call handlers on 0800 072 9900. 

Details will be recorded passed on to the relevant duty officer / engineer, who will prioritise and respond as necessary.

Please note, that this does not mean that the issue will be resolved by the officer/engineer. 

In an emergency - when a life is in danger, a crime is in progress, or a suspect is nearby always dial 999 
