Before you get in touch by phone or email, please take the time to read our most common FAQs to see if we can answer your query online.

Our Frequently Asked Questions are a useful source of information about Scottish Canals and the work that we do. 


Urgent contact

If it is an immediate threat to property, environment or wildlife please call:

0800 072 9900

To report an issue that is not an emergency, please use the guide

Our local offices and teams

Scottish Canals colleagues across our estate will be pleased to assist with any queries or concerns during normal business hours.

Lowland Canals

Lowland Canals Office

New Port Downie

Lime Rd 



Tel: 07810 794 467

(Mon – Thu 8.30am-5pm, Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm)






Lowland Canals Lock / Basin Controller

Falkirk Wheel Basin Controller

Tel: 01324 676912


Carron Sea Locks 1 and 2

Tel: 07810 794 467


Bowling Sea Lock

Tel: 01389 877 969

Lowland Canals Boat Movements

Arrange your passage through the canal please with our boat movements team on 07810 794 467


Please note that 24hr advanced booking is required in summer / in winter 48hr advanced booking is required. 


It is always recommended to book as early as possible to ensure passage.

The Falkirk Wheel



Tel: 0300 373 0868

(Mar - Oct: 10am - 5.30pm)
(Nov - Feb: 10am - 3.30pm)



Caledonian Canal

Seaport Marina
Muirtown Wharf

Tel: 01463 725 500 
(Mon – Fri 9-5)



Crinan Canal

Pier Square
PA30 8DZ

Tel: 01546 603210 

(Mon – Fri 9am-5pm)



Scottish Canals Glasgow Office

Canal House
Applecross Street
G4 9SP

Tel: 0141 332 6936 

(Mon – Thu 8.30am-5pm, Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm)



Third Party Works

Anyone wishing to undertake work on our ground or within the canal environment must make early contact our Third Party Works department.  


T: 0141 332 6936



Other Departments

Estates & Property

Please email 



Please email  

Elected Members Inbox

For elected members wishing to make an enquiry


Please email electedmembers@scottishcanals.co.uk


It is our job to satisfy the varying needs of the broad range of customers who live, work and play on and around our canals.

To do this we have a customer service statement which is our promise to you about what you can expect when you contact us:

  1. We will be welcoming, courteous, fair and respectful at all times.
  2. We will always be helpful, informative and responsive and will communicate with you clearly.
  3. We will let you know what we can provide and whom to contact within our company.
  4. We will promptly answer all telephone calls within office hours. Outside office hours, or when we are particularly busy, we will have an answer machine for you to leave a message.
  5. We will respond to all written correspondence, including emails, within 20 working days. If we feel that your query requires more detailed research we will acknowledge your letter within 20 working days and indicate timings for a more detailed response.
  6. If you are not satisfied with how we have responded to you, you can ask for this to be reconsidered as part of our formal complaints process.

In return, and to help us deliver the highest standards of service, we ask that you are courteous and respectful to our employees and help us to help you by providing us with the information we require. Our Unacceptable Actions Policy can be found here.

Download our Customer Complaints Procedure
