Scottish Canals and Argyll & Bute Council held a series of collaborative design workshops, known as a ‘charrette’, to help shape the future of the Crinan Canal Corridor.

The #CrinanCorridor charrette ran from 27th to 30th of April 2016, with local residents, businesses, landowners, community groups and other agencies working together to create a shared vision for the canal corridor and the communities on its banks.

Supported by technical experts and designers, the sessions generated a number of ideas and proposals to help maximise the tourism, leisure and business opportunities offered by the canal and ensure the long-term future of Ardrishaig, Crinan and Lochgilphead. The results of the four-day event were showcased in an exhibition held on the final day.

Check out what the local community had to say about their hopes for the area beforehand:

Check out the results of day one

Take a look at day 2

As part of the programme, a Pecha Kucha event was run in the Cairnbaan Hotel looking at innovative plans or projects underway in the area. Japanese for chit-chat, ‘Pecha Kucha’ is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each. The format keeps presentations concise and fast-paced. Take a look at the videos…

Christopher Breslin, Strategic Planning and Design Manager at Scottish Canals, said: “We were delighted with the turnout at the Crinan Corridor Charrette, where more than 200 members of the community battled rain, snow, hail – and even the odd spot of sunshine – to share their vision for the future of the area.

“Taking place within the communities of Lochgilphead, Ardrishaig, Cairnbaan and Crinan, the sessions were creative, dynamic and generated a number of exciting ideas, from the creation of a new arts and cultural centre; to the revitalisation of the former Bridge House Hotel; the return of the Crinan Canal Festival; new possibilities for the Lochgilphead Front Green and the regeneration of the Ardrishaig waterfront.

“We also carried out some pre-charrette activities with local schools, where children described the area in the year 2025 and outlined how they would like to see things change. Similarly, the Pecha Kucha event at the Cairnbaan Hotel brought together artists, social enterprises, trusts and arts organisations and helped highlight the rich diversity of arts and culture already in place in Mid Argyll.”

“We’ll be looking into all those ideas over the next few weeks before a follow-up exhibition in the summer that will allow local people to have a further say on which projects should be prioritised and how funding could be unlocked to take them forward. One of the key messages of the charrette was the need to work together. Given this approach I’m sure we can create a shared vision that will create even more opportunities for business, leisure and tourism that helps build a sustainable future for the area with the canal at its heart.”

Fergus Murray, Head of Economic Development at Argyll and Bute Council

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