Works to your boat
What type of work can be carried out to my boat whilst it's at its berth?
Scottish Canals has an obligation to protect the spectacular natural environment of its waterways and the safety of boat owners and members of the public. In order to do this we regulate the type of work that may be carried out to vessels at moorings on our canals.
The following types of work are examples of what is not permitted anywhere on the canals:
- Major works more suited to boatyards, such as refits and engine overhauls.
- Operation of bench saws, grinders, welding or other hot work on wharfs, pontoons, jetties, or other SC land.
- Storage of works’ materials or debris on pontoons, jetties and wharfs.
The following types of work may be permitted but authorisation should be sought, in advance, from the local SC Supervisor:
- Operation of equipment as described in section 2 above but which are restricted to activities on board the vessel itself, rather than on the pontoon, jetty or wharf.
- Use of specialist electrical, air or hydraulic equipment.
Please also note that Scottish Canals has no facilities for the disposal of specialist waste such as paints, chemicals and batteries, so you should make your own arrangements to dispose of them at the local Council Recycling Centres, or through specialist waste contractors, details of whom can be obtained from your local Supervisor. Please do not leave such waste in SC bin compounds.
Please note
Any works undertaken on the Boat whilst at the Mooring Site must be authorised in advance by Scottish Canals and will be subject to appropriate risk assessments. The works must be carried out in a safe manner and with due regard to protecting the environment and your obligations under Mooring Agreement Condition 3.4.
- You must not do (or carelessly fail to do) anything at the Mooring Site which will cause damage or nuisance to any other person or their property. You accept responsibility for any such damage or nuisance caused by you, other occupants of the Boat or your visitors. You will not be responsible for events that are outside your control.