Magnet fishing policy
To magnet fish on Scotland’s canal network you must have Scheduled Monument Consent from Historic Environment Scotland and permission from the landowners Scottish Canals.
Our network has the only magnet fishing agreement in the United Kingdom. Whether you are looking to try something new or play your part in keeping the canals clean, magnet fishing along our network will offer an alternative to standard fishing.
You can join Official Magnet Fishing Scotland who currently has Scheduled Monument Consent to magnet fish between Leamington Lift Bridge and Hermiston Aqueduct on the Union Canal in Edinburgh. In addition, the group are in the process of applying for further consents in both Glasgow and Inverness. You can join Official Magnet Fishing Scotland by emailing or joining their Facebook group here.
If you do not want to join Official Magnet Fishing Scotland, you can apply for Scheduled Monument Consent directly with Historic Environment Scotland.
*Please note that the applications can take up to two months to be reviewed.
You will also need to contact Scottish Canals and tell us where you would like to magnet fish. You can contact Scottish Canals at
You can read more about applying for the Scheduled Monument Consent from Historic Environment Scotland here. Should you have any queries about Scheduled Monument Consent you can contact Historic Environment Scotland on
Please Note: Our canals are a 200-year-old working heritage structure which require Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC) to carry out any work on the canal, including magnet fishing. This consent must be given by Historic Environment Scotland.