Canal Careful School resources

Scotland’s canals are a wonderful place for all to enjoy especially during the warmer summer months. With miles of towpaths and water flowing through them they are incredibly popular. However, it is important for Scottish Canals, who look after our canals, to make sure we look after you too.

Scottish Canals have launched, our #CanalCareful summer safety campaign which focuses on primary school children to help educate and inform how we can all enjoy our canals safely.
Our campaign focuses on: STOP, THINK, ACT
STOP – Pause for a moment to take in your surroundings.
THINK – What could cause you or your friends harm?
ACT –  Do you need move to allow cyclists to pass? Do you need to stay away from the edge? Do you need to slow down?
And always remember it is NEVER safe to go into the canal to fetch toys or a football.
If you see someone in trouble, raise the alarm to a trusted adult.
We have created some resources which you might find useful to share with your classes:
Email us your classes or children’s drawings to feature on this webpage. We can’t wait to see the entries!
These can also be downloaded from the documents section below.
Look out for our three mascots Daft Duck, Healthy Hedgehog and Kind Kingfisher – you’ll see them promoting safety throughout our campaign.
How to engage with our campaign:
- Download our schools resource pack containing worksheets and poster
- Display posters in and around the school
- Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and share any pictures of completed worksheets or #CanalCareful moments with us
- Use the hashtag #CanalCareful when sharing content online
- Request #CanalCareful stickers for your class
- Watch our #CanalCareful video here
For more information, or to request stickers, please email