Statement on Crinan Canal flailing

Scottish Canals has issued the following statement on Crinan Canal flailing;
“Scottish Canals is fully committed to furthering the conservation of biodiversity in and around the waterways, but has to balance its statutory biodiversity duty with its obligation to maintain and preserve our scheduled ancient monuments; ensure they are safe for our customers to use and remain navigable to boating traffic.
Unfortunately due to COVID delays, annual winter flailing works recently undertaken on the Crinan Canal were carried out later than usual. The work was limited to the towpath side of the canal, leaving the offside of the canal undisturbed. Our vegetation management regime is designed to be as minimal an intervention as possible, whilst ensuring that all those who enjoy the canals can do so safely. The vegetation management regimes are always subject to review and where Scottish Canals can accommodate changes to the mowing regimes to further promote wildflower growth we will do so. We will continue to engage with Heart of Argyll Wildlife Group and other local groups to ensure that ongoing vegetation management works are carried out sympathetically.”