Scottish Canals is harbour authority for Ardrishaig, Crinan and Corpach. In order to comply with the Port Marine Safety Code, we publish a safety management plan covering 3 years.

The purpose of this is to demonstrate our commitment to safe management and regulation of our harbours and how we will carry this out over the next 3 years. It will be refreshed at least every 3 years and reviewed for accuracy annually.

Scottish Canals will publish a copy of our Marine Safety Management Policy on our website at This policy details our understanding of, and intention to comply with, the PMSC. This policy is supported by a number of operational standards which make up our Marine Safety Management System. These standards have been reviewed in 2023 and are set to be reviewed at least every three years.

SC Marine Procedures are driven by the standards and policies as outlined above. These cover all aspects of day-to-day operations to ensure all activities are in compliance with the PMSC. Our company wide incident reporting and investigation system allows that these documents are updated should a novel situation arise and require a response, and also in the event of an incident, accident or near miss, we can update the standards to reduce the possibility of recurrence.

We have also identified, with guidance from our designated person, several opportunities to improve the way in which we publicise our compliance with various legislative requirements as well as working on the continual improvement of our marine safety undertakings.

ActionTarget Date 
New Actions 
Establish Quarterly Harbour Meetings to include HM and deputies, Heads of service, designated person and a member of the executive management team.September 2023âś”
Complete and publish Scottish Canals Harbours website, incorporating documents and information suitable for public consumption, including our terms and conditions, powers and authority and intent to comply with PMSC as well as an overview of our safety management system.August 2023âś”
Conclude work on harbour staff role profiles, including detailing responsibilities for marine safety.December 2023âś”
Develop review committee for Hazman to include review of hazards and controls twice a year.December 2023âś”
Create local guidance and policy application documents for Ardrishaig and CorpachNovember 2024 
Establish KPIs for harbours and a report for the SC board of directorsSeptember 2023âś”
Review Port Waste Management Plan26/02/2024âś”
Review Port Facility Security Plan06/12/2024 
Review of Oil Spill Contingency Plan07/01/2025 
Regular Actions 
Maintain navigation of harbours and canals and complete annual NAABSA survey at Ardrishaig
Update and maintain operational standards for harbour activities
Carry out local monthly meetings of harbour staff
Maintain oil spill contingency plan requirements including exercises and drills
Report and, if necessary, investigate incidents which occur during harbour operations, including reporting to MAIB, SEPA or other external agencies as appropriate or necessary.
Maintain ISPS records and compliance
Maintain records with trinity house re light dues
Annual review of Marine Safety Management System
Monthly safety audit at ports