Board code of conduct
The Board of Scottish Canals closely follows the model Code of Conduct approved by the Scottish Parliament. This code ensures high standards are maintained in Scottish public life.
Table of Contents
Board Code of Conduct
The Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 introduced a new ethical framework to Scotland, key elements of which are statutory Codes of Conduct and the Standards Commission for Scotland.
The Ethical Standards Act underlines the strong commitment to the promotion of high standards in public life by the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament. Ethical standards and probity are now at the heart of decision making in Scotland.
Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct is designed to ensure that The British Waterways Board, operating as Scottish Canals, actively promotes these standards. It does this by closely following the model Code of Conduct approved by the Scottish Parliament.
The Standards Commission for Scotland is responsible for the enforcement of this code and has available to it the sanctions described in Annex A of the code.
Further information about the Act and the Commission
The Office of Administration and Hearings
The Standards Commission for Scotland
Room T2.21
Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP
Tel: 0131 348 6666
Fax: 0131 557 9243
A copy of the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 is available from the Stationery Office (ISBN 0-10-591008-2) and on the Stationery Office website at: